This is the insanity of it all. I started this massive Karukell Shawl a year ago (if I’m honest with myself, two or three). It’s taken up space in my knitting bag and slurped up one of my two project bags (bought here cause they are so damn amazing) that allow myself for “live” projects.
I’ve “sworn” to finish it through the last two years (see, the truth will out) of vacations and finally pushed through this year with some handy work trips (thank goodness they allow knitting needles on planes again) and some real doggedness (I picked up this gorgeous blue wool blend in a lace weight and some amazing red as well) to START. SOMETHING. NEW.
Yesterday the day arrived. I double-casted off and threw the shawl on the floor to take some pics with the iPad.
Even unblocked, I kinda really like it.
What really amuses me is that after years of torturing myself with this massive lace knitting project that I alternately cursed and revered I am now going to rush out and start another. The Estonian Book of Lace has this massive shawl (Crown Prince I believe) that is perfect for the wool in blue. And I’m thinking there is a smaller shawl in there for the red too….
I just have to pick which color and the pattern. I only hope the thrill of that…carries me through the next three years of knitting it.
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